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    Tomari-te Seminar: Introduction to Pinan - Pinan Yondan to Godan, Part.5

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    Tomari-te Seminar: Introduction to Pinan - Pinan Yondan to Godan, Part.5

    Tomari-Te Seminar
    Michi Yamashiro
    Okinawan Karate: Yondan to Godan

    The 6th seminar by Sensei Michi Yamashiro has been adapted into video form, 
    focusing on Pinan Yondan and Godan.
    Pinan Yondan emphasizes creating hand speed and controlling space to prevent 
    the opponent from advancing, while Pinan Godan incorporates the principles of 
    "punch power development" and centrifugal force-based throwing techniques.
    The power and weight-shifting skills developed through Naihanchi and Seisan are 
    fully utilized in the intricate movements of Pinan. Indeed, every movement 
    in the Pinan kata is designed as a takedown technique.

    ■ Introduction
    ■ Three Stances that Form the Basis of Kata
    ■ Pinan Yondan 1: (The Stance that Stops an Attack Before it Begins)
    ■ Pinan Yondan 2: (The Speed of the Hand with the Knife-Hand Strike)
    ■ Pinan Yondan 3: (Completely Luring and Completely Counterattacking)
    ■ Pinan Yondan 4: (Controlling Space)
    ■ Pinan Yondan 5: (Releasing Power Completely and Letting It Go)

    ■ Pinan Godan 1: (Centrifugal Force as the Root of Punching)
    ■ Pinan Godan 2: (Utilizing Reaction Force for Throws)
    ■ Q&A Session


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