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    Suwari-waza Practice: Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan Session 2: Zagi Kokyu-ho


    Learn the basics of Zagi Kokyu-ho with Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan. He explains the correct use of the upper body and how to hold the opponent after a takedown. Master the proper practice methods through this instructional video.

    1.How to Use the Upper Body, How to Hold

    In this session, we explain the Zagi Kokyu-ho technique. Begin by having your hands firmly held by your partner. Relax and open your hands fully. Imagine your hands as a sword, with the fingertips pointing upward. Keep your armpits closed and slowly lift your hands. Extend your hands and finally press down.

    It is natural to want to push with your face, but ensure to open your hands and lift slowly from below. Lift your hands firmly from the fingertips.

    Next, we explain how to hold the opponent after a takedown. After the opponent has fallen, avoid creating too much distance. Place your knee firmly by the opponent’s side, and hold their wrist and shoulder. Maintain proper posture and keep your intent strong while holding the opponent.



    Zagi Kokyu-ho is crucial for learning the coordination of upper and lower body movements. Master the basic movements and proper holding techniques. Consistent practice will enhance the precision and effectiveness of your techniques.