Freely movable viewing angle with the 360° viewpoint video system
Get a clear understanding of the body mechanics used in the techniques
Get a clear understanding of the body mechanics used in the techniques

Freely movable viewing angle with the 360° viewpoint video system
Get a clear understanding of the body mechanics used in the techniques
Get a clear understanding of the body mechanics used in the techniques

What is 360° View?
The 360° viewpoint video system allows you to switch freely
between different angles of view while watching a video.
It also gives you the ability to stop, reverse, or slow down
the video at your will. Giving you complete freedom to double-check
minor details and analyze every movement.
between different angles of view while watching a video.
It also gives you the ability to stop, reverse, or slow down
the video at your will. Giving you complete freedom to double-check
minor details and analyze every movement.

Content made under the supervision of
Aikido Hombu Dojo-cho
Free Viewing Angle
Using the innovative video system
get an unparalleled view of
detailed aspects of techniquesInnumerable Variations
Detailed advice on the essentials
of various techniquesMaster the Fundamentals
Review the fundamentals of
Aikido techniques
to improve your technique

Watch interviews with Aikido teachers from all over Japan and abroad.
Hear their thoughts about the way to train Aikido and what they do for themselves on a daily basis.
Get through, original and unique content on The Online Dojo,
with many useful hints and training tips for those seeking to improve their Aikido skills.
Hear their thoughts about the way to train Aikido and what they do for themselves on a daily basis.
Get through, original and unique content on The Online Dojo,
with many useful hints and training tips for those seeking to improve their Aikido skills.
Content about the Founder of Aikido
Watch videos introducing the life and major events of the Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.
Get an idea of what the Founder said, what he thought, the techniques he taught, and the spirit of Aikido he wanted to pass on to future generations by listing to interviews with great teachers that were instructed directly by Morihei Ueshiba.
Get an idea of what the Founder said, what he thought, the techniques he taught, and the spirit of Aikido he wanted to pass on to future generations by listing to interviews with great teachers that were instructed directly by Morihei Ueshiba.

The Online Dojo On Demand provides Aikido videos that can be rented and viewed by purchasing points for monthly plan members and free plan members.
Please check the video details page for the points required for rental and viewing period.
Please check the video details page for the points required for rental and viewing period.
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- Q. What payment methods are available?
- Q. Can I cancel at any time?