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    Tomari-Te Seminar Pinan Shodan to Sandan Part.6

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    Tomari-Te Seminar Pinan Shodan to Sandan Part.6

    Tomari-Te Seminar
    Michi Yamashiro
    Okinawan Karate: Pinan Shodan to Sandan

    The fifth seminar by Sensei Michi Yamashiro, held in November 2013,
     has been captured on video, focusing on "Pinan Shodan to Sandan."
    The Pinan kata includes fundamental techniques such as front kicks,
     punches, and upper and lower blocks. While basic, 
    each technique can be highly dangerous. 
    The kata also emphasizes strengthening the core through movements that stretch 
    the limbs and solidify the trunk, making it an essential part of core training.
    This seminar demonstrates how to adapt and apply techniques from Naihanchi's
    weight shifting and Seisan's fighting strategies within 
    the Pinan forms—enhancing the power and effectiveness of techniques!

    ■Breathing Technique for Uniting Mind and Body
    ■Pinan Shodan 1 (Preparation)
    ■Pinan Shodan 2 (Shuto Uke / Knife Hand Block)
    ■Pinan Shodan 3 (Nukite / Spear Hand Thrust)
    ■Pinan Shodan 4 (Dropping the Elbow)
    ■Pinan Nidan (Lowering the Center of Gravity for Power)
    ■Pinan Sandan 1 (Turning Movement)
    ■Pinan Sandan 2 (Letting the Opponent Grab You)
    ■Pinan Sandan 3 (Creating an External Axis)
    ■Capturing the Opponent's Center
    ■Powerful Punching Technique
    ■Throws Utilizing Centrifugal Force
    ■Q&A Session 


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