Ryutaro Araga's Champion Kumite Seminar 4 Part 3

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Ryutaro Araga's Champion Kumite Seminar 4 Part 3

■Perform Kaeshi waza after first touching your opponent's Maeken (front fist)
■Realistic maneuvering training
■Seminar summary

Part 3


Ryutaro Legends "Basics of the tactics" 
Offensive Ashibarai and Maeken techniques




Part 1

■Touch each other's feet while maintaining your Kamae 
■Receiving Tsuki While moving

Part 2

■Ashibarai, which makes your opponent aware of their feet → Kizamizuki
■Ashibarai-Kizamizuki- Chudan Keri → Extra consecutive techniques 
■Ashibarai to upset upper body →Kizam -izuki, Chudan Keri, modified Jodan Keri 
■Ashibarai on Gyakutai (reverse stance) → Chudan Keri

Part 3

■Perform Kaeshi waza after first touching your opponent's Maeken (front fist)
■Realistic maneuvering training
■Seminar summary

Year of Production::2018


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