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    For anyone who is just starting out in kendo, here is a highly recommended video that explains in detail the fundamental basics!|GEN ONLINE DOJO


    Yesterday, I practiced making sure to focus on shifting my center of gravity.
    During men-uchi, while keeping the backside of the knee of the left foot taut, I gradually put my weight forward until I feel like I am falling forward I then step out with my right foot, swing the shinai, and push off with my left foot. I can't say it was very smooth, but I think it changed the way I move my body.
    Also, since my body is leaning slightly forward, I can put more weight on the shinai, increasing the power of my strike.
    The only problem is that I have to strain to do so, and my legs feel more tired than after normal practice.
    I think I'll keep repeating it for a while until I get it down!

    ▼My Ideal Men-Uchi

    1.Today’s Recommendation

    For today's recommended content, I would like to introduce "GEN Kendo Campus!"
    As this is a “Campus,” it is divided into separate class periods!
    Starting with the 1st Period, ‘Holding the Shinai,’ we then have 2nd Period: ‘Correct Foot Posture,’ and finally 3rd Period: ‘Metsuke!’
    These are the basic fundamentals that you learn when you first start kendo, after etiquette that is!
    If you are a beginner in Kendo and want to review at home, or if you are just curious about what Kendo is all about, please take a look!
    Shiraishi Kyoshi gives a detailed and easy to understand explanation.

    GEN Kendo Campus Shiraishi Kishimichi Holding the Shinai ,Correct Foot Posture ,Metsuke

    GEN Kendo Campus Shiraishi Kishimichi Holding the Shinai ,Correct Foot Posture ,Metsuke