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    Ayaka Tadano's Kumite Lesson to Make Karate Fun Part 1 JYODAN-GYAKU-ZUKI Longer range tsuki


    Ayaka Tadano's
    Kumite Lesson to Make Karate Fun Part 1
    Longer range tsuki

    The year 2020 has seen a series of tournament cancellations. 
    However, at the recording of Sensei Shin Tsukii's “DVD & Blu-ray/ Kyogi no Tatsujin," we witnessed a phenomenal exchange of techniques! 
    It was performed by Ayaka Tadano, who was giving a technical demonstration during the filming. 
    The speed and range of her jyodan-gyaku-zuki surprised me. Her fist traveled lightning fast, hitting instantly from afar.
    She is a female kumite -50Kg competitor, 155cm tall. 
    In this weight class, fast movements and long range fighting is the popular style. 
    In this weight class, Ayaka Tadano is one of the best in the world. Although there are no competitions at all, 
    she has been practicing and refining her skills.
    She told me that it was the way she moved her shoulder blades and the way she used her front legs that enabled her to do jyodan-gyaku-zuki.
    Ayaka explained specific exercises for the readers of this magazine. 
    Sakura, a first-year university student, played the role of the student.