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    ONLINE KENDO ACADEMY: Murakami Raita - Part 5 Sayu-men Suburi

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    ONLINE KENDO ACADEMY: Murakami Raita - Part 5 Sayu-men Suburi

    Part 5 - Sayu-men Suburi

    Murakami Sensei tells us that, “The most important thing is to swing with correct hasuji.” To that end, we strike the left men at a 45-degree angle, then returning the shinai along the same line as from before, twist the wrists and swing to also strike the right men at a 45-degree angle. He adds that he is always conscious of the fact that this will connect directly to kirikaeshi. 

    ONLINE KENDO ACADEMY: Murakami Raita

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    • Nick
      Thank you. I will concentrate on correct husuji during the 45 degree movement, following the same line, and connect this to kirikaeshi. Arigatou.
      11/19/22 AT 23:39
      Thank you for your viewing and warm comment! This could be utilized in your learning. Thank you very much.
      12/22/22 AT 00:47


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