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    ONLINE KENDO ACADEMY: Murakami Raita - Part 3 Zenshin-kotai shomen-suburi

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    ONLINE KENDO ACADEMY: Murakami Raita - Part 3 Zenshin-kotai shomen-suburi

    Part 3 Zenshin-kotai shomen-suburi

    Murakami Sensei teaches the most basic of basics – fundamental shomen suburi knowledge. 
    From a solid kamae, he shows how to raise and swing the shinai while visualizing the opponent. In detail, learn proper ashi-sabaki, tenouchi, and when to apply force. This is the perfect method for improving your suburi for practical use.

    ONLINE KENDO ACADEMY: Murakami Raita


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    • Nick
      Thank you, some very useful points. Especially upward movement is fast, and three fingers, and wrists always extend, with left almost hitting the right forearm. Arigatou.
      11/19/22 AT 23:26
      Thank you for viewing and your warm comment. This helps a lot in your leaning journey for sure!
      12/16/22 AT 01:33


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