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    Aikido Kata-Dori Practice, Episode 2 Kata-dori Shiho-nage Omote

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    Aikido Kata-Dori Practice, Episode 2 Kata-dori Shiho-nage Omote

    Explore the dynamics of "Kata-dori Shiho-nage Omote" as demonstrated by Etsuji Horii Shihan, focusing on shoulder-driven movements in Aikido.


    Mastering Kata-dori Shiho-nage Omote


    Etsuji Horii Shihan introduces the unique dynamics of "Kata-dori Shiho-nage Omote," where the shoulder becomes the central element of control and projection. Unlike the traditional Shiho-nage that primarily uses the hands, this technique emphasizes leveraging the shoulder to unbalance and throw the opponent. Key aspects include precise body movements, sharp hip rotation, and fluid shoulder motion. By incorporating angled atemi strikes and subtle shifts, this technique seamlessly combines control and projection. Practitioners are encouraged to focus on maintaining smooth upper body movements for effective execution. Experience the depth of Aikido by practicing this innovative application of Kata-dori.

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