Prestigious Dojo Exploring Practice Menus YOSEIKAN in Shizuoka Pref.
10 01, 2021
What are the training methods of the Powerful Dojo?
Helps you build your daily practice menu!
This article on "Exploring the Practice Menus of a Prestigious Dojo" is currently being published
in a popular series.This month, I would like to introduce you to YOSEIKAN (Numazu City,
Shizuoka Prefecture), which is run by Takato Watanabe, who took over the dojo from his father
at the age of 33. His first priority is to train the mind and body of the students, and he has
developed the dojo into a large dojo through his creativity and ingenuity in the management of
the dojo with his research spirit.In recent years, YOSEIKAN has produced many winners and
prizewinners at intra-prefectural and regional tournaments, as well as at national tournaments
such as the ZENSHO Tournament. This time, we asked him to introduce the YOSEIKAN style
"kizami-zuki", "basic practice of kumite", "training leading to kata", "basic practice of kumite",
etc. from the practice he usually does at YOSEIKAN.