Hanshi - The path to 8th dan: Ota Tadanori Hanshi

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Hanshi - The path to 8th dan: Ota Tadanori Hanshi

“The Kendo Kata displays the origin of shinai kendo.”

                                   -Ota Tadanori Hanshi

Many times, keiko will take place in the evening, which makes it difficult to maintain for a long time. So, unlike with students, it is not suburi, kiri-kaeshi, uchi-komi, or kihon-uchi that is most focused on, but jigeiko. Focusing on jigeiko, the core teachings of suburi begin to be lost and the fundamentals begin to break down.

              “Fundamentals are not something that are merely for beginners. Each level has its own fundamentals,” says Ota Hanshi. He is always looking to see if the tenouchi that is learned in basic keiko is being applied when strikes are being made. “No matter how good the timing on striking at an opportunity, if this tenouchi is not employed, it will not be considered a yukodatotsu strike. However, if it is employed, it will certainly be considered an ippon,” he says. That is just how important the fundamentals are.

              For those who are unable to have keiko at work as police officers are able to, they must compensate the time for fundamental keiko. Doing suburi at home and compensating for lost tenouchi training would seem to be the quickest route to passing a grading.

Hanshi - The Path to 8th Dan

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