Hanshi - The Path to 8th Dan: Nishikawa Kiyoshi Hanshi
Hanshi - The Path to 8th Dan: Nishikawa Kiyoshi Hanshi
"During the 8th dan exam, if you are able to create a inner 'self' that is unmoving, then you have nothing to fear."
- Nishikawa Kiyoshi Hanshi
“In preparing for the 8th dan exam, if you are able to create a self that is unmoving – then there is nothing to fear.”
While practicing for the promotion examination, I remember feeling anxious about failing
Especially for the eight Dan examination, the pass rate is very low, less than 1%.
Even Nishikawa Hanshi, who won the All Japan Kendo Championship, was worried for his test.
" When I was 44, Two years before I was my eight Dan exam, I thought about running away to a remote island", says Nishikawa Hanshi.
The reason for this fear he said is, that after having received so much instruction at the Metropolitan Police Department, If he were to fail, he would not be able to return because of the shame.
However, as he says "My Kendo was no good at all throughout High school but, after joining the police force at age 20 and up until now I have been practicing more than anyone else. And I have become one of the best in Shiai. I found something like that (which I can be confident about) within myself”.
He continues, “Up until that moment, I thought it would be tough to become one of the 10 out of a 1000 people who would be accepted, but I aimed to be the one in a 1000 people without running away. By thinking like that I was able to overcome the 1% pass rate barrier".
Finding confidence like that in yourself will help to reduce the anxiety you feel about the exam. Also, until the day of the promotion examination, turn your anxiety into confidence by making an effort that is greater than anybody else.
- GEN Editorial Staff
Hanshi - The Path to 8th Dan
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