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    Strike Small, Strike Fast in Kendo


    In Kendo, the timing of your strikes and the fluidity of your movements are crucial to success. Hyoga Kajitani explains key points on swing and footwork, offering tips to make your strikes more effective.

    1.Aligning Footwork with Strikes

    In a Kendo match, a mistimed strike can weaken your impact and give your opponent an advantage. Hyoga Kajitani emphasizes the importance of synchronizing your footwork so that your Shinai makes contact at the exact moment your foot lands. Additionally, he advises that your swings should be small, fast, and compact to maximize effectiveness. After stepping forward with your right foot, avoid falling into a walking motion; instead, focus on a smooth transition to your next move. By consistently practicing these elements, you can elevate your Kendo technique and become a more formidable opponent.


    2.This match is now available as 360° viewpoint video!

    360° viewpoint video is video that allows viewers to freely switch between angles to see what they want, and even control the video by pausing, playing in slow motion, or playing in slow reverse motion, allowing them to closely observe and analyze the action.