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    Train Your Left Foot for Kendo Mastery


    Kendo master Hyoga Kajitani emphasizes the importance of the left foot. Learn how to use it effectively to improve your speed and accuracy when striking, and gain the upper hand in your matches.

    1.The Relationship Between Left Foot Movement and Kendo Technique

    In Kendo, the way you use your left foot can be the deciding factor in a match. Hyoga Kajitani explains that how you pull in your left foot during a strike is crucial to avoiding your opponent's anticipation of your moves. A wide swing can give your opponent the chance to strike first, so it's essential to develop the skill of delivering fast strikes without pulling in your left foot. Additionally, strengthening the left foot's explosiveness helps maintain speed after a strike, enhancing your ability to follow through with body strikes. Refining these subtle techniques can significantly elevate your Kendo skills.


    2.This match is now available as 360° viewpoint video!

    360° viewpoint video is video that allows viewers to freely switch between angles to see what they want, and even control the video by pausing, playing in slow motion, or playing in slow reverse motion, allowing them to closely observe and analyze the action.