Prestigious Dojo Practice Menus Exploring


In this month's installment of our popular series, "Exploring the Practice Menus of Powerful Dojos,"  This month, we will focus on Japan Karatedo Taishikan (Kyoto City). Taishikan was founded in 1969 as the "Uzumasa Youth Karate School" by Sensei Hideo Nakano, and is now a member of the All Japan Karatedo Federation Goju-kai.
His son, Sensei Hideto Nakano, won the WKF World Karate Championship in 1986, and many others have been trained at the Taishikan and are active in Japan and abroad. This time, Sensei Hideto Nakano introduced some of the practices that we usually do at Taisikan, focusing on the points to watch out for when striking kata (Goju-ryu) and the reaction practice while controlling ma-ai (distance) in kumite.