Power Line Training! Practice by the mighty Hyogo Technical H. S. !


Increase the kowledge of your technique with simple training !

In the "Power Line Training" section, which started last month's issue, 
we continue to introduce a training menu based on the concept of "Simple training to increase the depth of your technique! 
This menu is explained by Sensei Shinsuke Wada (President of STUDIO-QB and Director of the Japan Karatedo Shitoryu Renshinkan Wadayama Dojo). 
He is the trainer for the karate club of Hyogo Prefectural Hyogo Technical High School, a strong public school, and also teaches training at the powerful Yakura Dojo in Osaka.
In anticipation of full-scale competitions starting this summer, 
I recommend this training to all aspiring dojo and club activity instructors and athletes who are readers of this magazine.