The 14th Annual Meiji mura Kendo Tournament Vol.4(1990)
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The 14th Annual Meiji mura Kendo Tournament Vol.4(1990)
We are currently working on the translation of this video and we apologize for the inconvenience.
First Round (Match 13~Match 16)
Match 13 賀来 俊彦(奈良)×錦戸 真(長崎)
Match 14 齋藤 泰二(東京)×児玉 秀雄(秋田)
Match 15 亀井 一雄(神奈川)×久保 克己(東京)
Match 16 井上 晋一(京都)×牛袋 研二(岩手)
The 14th Annual Meiji mura Kendo Tournament (1990)