Beginners AIKIDO, 1st Period part1 Aikido Basic Movement
07 16, 2024

Junichi Gomita from Aikido Tanabe Dojo introduces beginner-friendly Aikido training methods. Drawing from 12 years of experience in martial arts education at middle schools, he provides step-by-step instructions that are easy for beginners to follow.
1.How to Bow
The first basic movement in Aikido is learning how to bow. Start by facing each other, stepping back with the left foot and kneeling, followed by the right foot to enter kiza. Form a triangle with your index fingers and thumbs, placing your hands on the tatami. Bend your elbows slightly and keep your back straight as you lower your upper body, aiming to place your face within the triangle. Keep your hips on your heels without lifting them. After bowing, raise your upper body and stand up starting with the right foot. Practicing this movement repeatedly helps you master the correct way to bow.
2.Footwork Techniques
Next, learn the footwork techniques. Begin from a hanmi stance, stepping forward with the right foot and performing tsugi-ashi. Move the leading foot forward and pull the trailing foot up to shoulder-width distance. Repeat this action to master tsugi-ashi. Then, practice ayumi-ashi by stepping back with the rear foot and switching to the opposite hanmi. Finally, practice tenkan-ashi by pivoting on the front foot and moving the rear foot in a semicircular motion. Combining these basic movements lays the foundation for executing Aikido techniques effectively.