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    ZNKR Iai Course - The ZNKR Iai Manual Interpretation Sanbon-me:Ukenagashi

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    ZNKR Iai Course - The ZNKR Iai Manual Interpretation Sanbon-me:Ukenagashi

    AJKF Iai Course - The ZNKR Iai Manual Interpretation Sanbon-me:Ukenagashi


    ZNKR Iai, which has been created using various Koryu techniques, has been extensively examined and researched to date.
    At a training workshop held by the Rokushikan Dojo in Kyotanabe City in February 2022, 
    an in-depth explanation of the flow of the ZNKR Iai up to this point and the reasons 
    for its development was given and many questions from the attendees were answered in detail.
    This video is divided into two parts: an explanation of the first 12 techniques at the workshop and taking and answering questions from the attendees.


    Instructed by Ishido Shizufumi, Hanshi 8 Dan
    Demonstrated by Oshita Masakazu, Kyoshi 8 Dan
    Production Company: Media Japan, Co., Ltd.
    Produced by William W. Brier (Apollo-Producing, Co., Ltd.)
    • tmacneil
      Ishido Sensei is always a master at explaining the details and every nuance of a kata. It takes you to a much higher level of understanding. These online videos are almost as good as if you were there in person at Shinbukan Ishido dojo
      7/5/22 AT 14:34


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