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    The 119th All Japan KENDO ENBU TAIKAI Iaido Koukai ENBU ~The Online Dojo Edition~

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      The 119th All Japan KENDO ENBU TAIKAI Iaido Koukai ENBU ~The Online Dojo Edition~

      The 119th All Japan KENDO ENBU TAIKAI 

      Iaido Koukai ENBU

      Demonstrated by Sasaki Mikihiko, Hanshi 8 Dan


      This Embu performance has been edited down to the opening paragraph in each “Waza” in the ZNKR IAI manual.


      Ipponme Mae

      Detecting the harmful intention of the person in front of you, forestall it by using the sword tip to cut their temple in a horizontal action and then bring the sowrd downwards from above the head in a vertical action.


      Nihonme Ushiro

      Detecting the harmful intention of the person behind you, forestall it by using the sword tip to cut their temple in a horizontal action and then bring the sword downwards from above the head in a vertical action.


      Sanbonme Ukenagashi

      When the person at your left suddenly stands up and intends to cut you downwards, you parry their sword with the ridge on the side of the sword and cut them from above the head in a downwards diagonal action.


      Yonhonme Tsuka Ate

      Two people, one in front and the other behind intend to attack you. Thrust the pommel of your sword into the front opponent's solar plexus, then draw and stab the rear opponent. While turning back to the front bring the sword downward from above the head in a vertical action to defeat the first opponent .


      Gohonme Kesagiri

      While you are walking along, an opponent comes towards you and tries to cut you by bringing their sword from above their head. Immediately cut them diagonally, first up through the right waist and then down from the left shoulder through the Kesa line.


      Ropponme Morotezuki

      While walking along three people - two in front and one at the rear intend to attack you. Forestall the front attack by drawing the sword and making a cut to the top right side of the first opponents head, followed by a two-handed thrust to the solar plexus. Turning next to the rear opponent, bring the sword from above your head and cut down vertically. Lastly turn once again to the front and cut the last opponent in the same manner.


      Nanahonme Sanpogiri

      Opponents in front, to your right and left intend to attack you while you are walking along. Draw your sword and immediately cut the first opponent at your right, from the top of their head down to their chin. Cut the next opponent to your left by turning to face them and lastly turn back to the front and cut the last opponent vertically downwards.


      Happonme Ganmenate

      While walking along opponents to the front and behind intend to attack you. First hit the face of the opponent in front of you with the end of the Tsuka, then, thrust the tip of the sword into the solar plexus of the opponent at your rear. Turn back around and cut the first opponent vertically downwards from above your head.


      Kyuhonme Soetezuki

      You are walking along when a person suddenly appears from the left with the intention to attack you. Stall it by taking the initiative of drawing out your sword and cutting diagonally through their right shoulder. Then thrust the sword into their abdomen as you step forward.


      Ju pponme Shihogiri

      You encounter four enemies who intend to attack you. Forestall the first by using a Tsuka Ate strike to their right hand at the right diagonal front. Then thrust into the solar plexus of the next opponent at your left diagonal rear. Continue to vertically cut down the other three by turning 180 degrees to your right, then 90 degrees to your right and finally 180 degrees to your left.


      Ju ipponme Sougiri

      While walking along you encounter a person in front of you who intends to attack you. Receive and parry their attack then make a diagonal cut to the left side of their face. Then continue cutting diagonally through their right shoulder to the solar plexus and then the left torso. Cut their abdomen across the waist horizontally from left to right and finally finish with a vertical downwards cut.


      Ju nihonme Nukiuchi

      When standing face to face with a person they suddenly try to cut you.

      You let them cut the air by stepping back while you draw the sword. Make a vertical downward cut to defeat them.


      Production Company: Media Japan, Co., Ltd.

      Produced by William W. Brier (Apollo-Producing, Co., Ltd.)

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